Nu hebben we kinderen een maand vakantie en zijn ze naar onze vakantie gers op het platteland. Daar genieten ze van de schone lucht, sneeuw en ijs.

Binnen bij een kaarsje een spelletje doen want er is geen elektriciteit.

Dit is de smog in de stad.

Our children are going back to school after the summer holidays. They get new uniforms and new shoes when the old ones no longer fit.
The first day of school is always festive. Something extra is done at home, they get extra tasty food.
In the summer the children go to our stone gers in the countryside for a few weeks. A wonderful getaway from the hustle and bustle of the city and enjoy nature with sports and games.
In the summer the children have 3 months of school holidays. They will then enjoy the countryside.
How wonderful it is that many children from our project have (had) the opportunity to study. One of our boys recently successfully completed his Border Security studies at university. He is now a psychologist for the other border guard soldiers.
And this girl passed her Software Developer studies.
We were recently able to welcome 4 new children, they come from one family. They were severely abused and left alone for days without food. The father and mother are both addicted to alcohol. A distressing case. We have given them warm clothes and the teachers are very happy that they can care for these little ones.
During the school holidays in the summer, the children go to the countryside near Terelj for a longer period of time. They enjoy sports and games in nature there.
In 1998, Corry Vreugdenhil went to Mongolia for the first time to volunteer for various organizations. She worked in education in the Netherlands and took a few months of unpaid leave every year.
Corry zag de grote nood in Mongolië. Er zijn heel veel straatkinderen die moeten overleven in de winterse temperaturen van min 30 of min 40 graden. Dit doen ze in de tunnels in de stad waar de warm water buizen door There are also many children in state orphanages in Mongolia.
Nadat Corry in 1999 weer naar Mongolië was gegaan heeft ze bij terugkeer de Stichting Asian Foundation opgericht. Het doel van de Asian Foundation is om meer structurele hulp te kunnen bieden. In 2001 there were enough sponsors to buy a first apartment. And now Asian Foundation already owns 5 family homes.
Corry ging in 2002 in Nederland met de VUT en zodoende kon ze meer tijd naar Mongolië gaan om daar alles te organiseren. Inmiddels neemt Hongoroo, de Mongoolse directeur, al veel taken van haar .
Hongoroo came into the organization as a little girl with her brother and sister because they were orphans. Hongoroo later studied law and after her studies she came to work in the organization as a manager.